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课题研究实验课教案《Unit 4 Where’s the bird?》--陈薇

年级_  三年级  _  学科__英语 _  执教  _ 陈薇    日期 _ 4.20   _
1. 能熟练运用句型Where’s …? It’s on/in/under/behind… 进行对话。
2. 能通过游戏进一步正确运用介词on,in,under,behind。
3. 能理解Cartoon time部分的意思,并能配合此部分内容进行表达。
1.       学习英语的主要目的是让学生可以在日常生活中能够与他人进行交流,所以本节课中设计了比较多的口语练习,以帮助学生提高口语水平。
2.       三年级的学生的注意力不能长时间保持在同一事物上,所以我设计了游戏、猜谜等环节来帮助学生提高课堂的参与度,努力提高学生的学习积极性。
1. 能理解Cartoon time部分的意思,并能配合此部分内容进行表达。
2. 能对照Ticking time的三个目标进行客观的自我评价。
3. 能综合运用本单元学到的单词和句型谈论自己身边事物的位置。
目   标
环 节 设 计
Step 1 Revision
1. Sing the song
T: Hello, boys and girls.
S: Hello, Miss Chen.
T: (出示第一课时中的小鸟) Do you remember this little bird?
S: Yes.
T: Let’s sing the song “Where is the bird?”
 T: Where is the bird? Ss:It’s in the tree.
Step 2 Fun time
1. Review the words
T: Now , Where is the bird? (出示四副位置方位图) On, in, under, behind.
  S: It’s on/in/under/behind…
  T: Yes. They are the key words in this unit. And if you want to remember them very well, the games will help you. (PPT出示TIP)Try to follow me.
  S: Use games to help remember words. Here’s the Chinese meaning.
  T: Boys and girls, do you like games?
  S: Yes.
2. Play the game
T: Great! Then let’s play a game together now. This is a guessing game. Look, here are four pictures. Look … (引导学生看图说一说四幅图)
  Ss: The pencil is in the pencil box, on the pencil box, under the pencil box and behind the pencil box.
  T: Yes. One of you comes to the front and guesses where the pencil is. You can guess like this. (板书游戏可用的句型) Who wants to try?
    (一位学生到讲台前背对屏幕, 教师选定一幅图后,由全班问, 这位学生来猜)
  Ss: Where is the pencil?
  S1: Is it in/on/under/behind the pencil box?
  Ss: Yes./No.
T: Good. And now let’s change this game a little bit. Look, what’s this? (教师拿出一本书,一个书包,一个铅笔盒和一只铅笔)
S: It’s a book/school bag/ pencil box/pencil.
T: And now let’s play the game using them. Now close your eyes. (学生闭上眼睛, 教师藏好铅笔)
T: Now open your eyes.
S: Is it …?
T: Yes./No.
从复习fun time 入手,让学生对之前学过的内容进行简单的复习,然后对 本节课的新授内容做好铺垫。
Step 3 Cartoon time
1、T:Sam think Who is behind the door?  Let’s watch the cartoon.  板书:Who?
S:San think Bobby is behind the door.
2、T: Is bobby behind the door?   Which picture can you find?  出示catoon time 各幅图
 第4幅图,Sam什么心情呢? (很失望)听音后朗读。
3、T: Where’s bobby ? 板书: Where?   Which picture can you find?
第7幅图,Sam什么心情? (高兴)听音朗读。 学习Here you are.(你在这儿)。
4、How can Sam find Bobby?  板书:How?  Use “a cake”   Which picture can you find?
第6幅图 Bobby什么心情?  (高兴) 听音朗读
5、What are they doing ? 板书:What?   They are playing a game “ Hide and seek”. 板书
 T: In this story ,who hides? Who seeks?  Who wins?  Watch the cartoon again.
 T: Who wins? 谁赢了呢?
S: Sam.
2. Read and say
T: Yes. Sam wins. Now please open your books and read this story. It’s on your book, Page … When you are reading, try to remember what they say. (阅读cartoon time部分,记一记每一幅图中的对话)
 (学生阅读Cartoon time)
T: Now close your books. (PPT逐图显示) Who can be Sam/Bobby? 
S1: One, two, three …
S2: Where’s Bobby?
S3: Ah, he’s behind the door. (指导兴奋的语气)
S4: OH, it’s not Bobby. (指导失望的语气)
S5: Where’s he?
S6: Wow! A cake! (指导兴奋的语气)
S7: Ha! Ha! Here you are, Bobby! (指导得意的语气)
T: Now read the story in pairs. (注意语气哦!)
3. Do the dubbing
T: Now can you dub for the whole story together? 你们能为这个故事配音吗?
S: Yes.
4. Act the dialogue
T: Sam wins. So, it’s Bobby’s turn to seek Sam. What happens now? Can you imagine their words and act it out?
Step 4 Ticking Time & Checkout time
1. Self assessment
T: Boys and girls, I think you did a good job just now. But did you do a good job for the whole unit? Let’s check it out. Look! (PPT显示3个目标及中文) We have three targets in Unit 4. They are …
S: I can use “where” to ask questions.
S: I can use “in”, “on”, “under” and “behind”.
S: I know the sound of the letter “d”.
T: You can see the Chinese meaning here. So now it’s your ticking time. Please open your books and turn to Page 29 and tick it.
T: Finished? Who gets three stars?
T: OK. Now can you ask some questions using where?
T: And the next one, who gets three stars?
  Well, let me check. (把东西放在某处) Where’s …? (检验几个学生)
T: And the third one, who gets three stars?
  Well, can you remember any words with the sound [d]?
1.     复述cartoon time 内容。
2.     仿照内容,写一段话。
Unit 4 Where’s the bird?
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